Money Tree
Money Tree
Pachira aquatica Guiana Chestnut aka Money Tree
Who wouldn't want to grow a money tree? Sadly, while it doesn't produce dollars, money tree is said to bring good luck and is a favorite plant for applications of Feng Shui. The tree offers shiny, hand-shaped leaves that give it a tropical appearance.
Lighting: Provide bright indirect light. Direct sun will scorch the leaves.
Watering: Money Trees need regular watering. This is a good houseplant if you tend to overwater plants, as it appreciates (but doesn't need) constantly moist soil.
Humidity: Being a tropical, money tree also appreciates abundant humidity. If the leaves start to have brown, crispy edges, placing it with other plants or near a small humidifier can help.
Fertilization: Fertilize money trees no less than two times a year with a regular houseplant fertilizer.