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Scott's Nursery Ltd.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus benjamina

Regular price $34.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $34.99 CAD
Sale Sold out
Color: Green

Ficus benjamina aka Weeping Fig, Benjamin Fig or Ficus Tree

Lighting: Grow in medium to bright light. If they don't get enough light, they'll grow slowly and have long stems, giving the plants an unattractive, lanky appearance. 

WateringWater ficus when the top inch or so of the potting mix starts to feel dry to the touch. Ficus are quite resilient and survive inconsistent watering, but grow best when they get moisture on a regular basis. 

Fertilization: Fertilize ficus once or twice a year in spring and summer, when temperatures are warmer and plants are putting on more growth. 

Note: While ficus are easy to grow, but they have a reputation for dropping a lot of leaves when it experiences a change in condition. So if your ficus loses leaves when you first bring it home, don't worry: It should regrow new foliage once it's adapted to its new location. 

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