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Scott's Nursery Ltd.

Asian Pitcher Plant

Asian Pitcher Plant

Regular price $39.99 CAD
Regular price Sale price $39.99 CAD
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Nepenthes alata aka Asian Pitcherplant

Usually grow as climbing or scrambling vines. Nepenthes are not typically jungle plants, but prefer more open and sunny ridges, slopes and stunted forests.

Lighting: Nepenthes enjoy very bright, diffused light or partly sunny conditions.  Many can be grown easily on a sunny windowsill. 

Water: Do not use tap water! Use distilled or rainwater. Place the containers on benches or hang them so water can freely drain away. In terrariums and on windowsills, place the pot in a shallow saucer and water overhead as soon as the water in the saucer evaporates. Don't allow the pot to sit in deep water for extended periods of time as this can lead to root rot. All pots must have drainage holes!

Soil: Nepenthes enjoy loose, open soil that remains wet to moist but allows drainage of excess water. The best is about three parts Sphagnum moss to one part of some combination of coarse materials, such as perlite, orchid bark, pumice, tree-fern fiber, lava rock or charcoal.

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